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Board Membership And Public Review

Board Membership And Public Review

The District is controlled by a seven-person Board of Directors, elected at large, serving four-year staggered terms. Elections are held in May of even-numbered years by state statute. The District is responsible for producing and filing with the state an annual independent audit of its financial activities, and it is otherwise subject to many state requirements for filings and reporting.

In order to further accomplish our purpose, the Board has developed and updates bi-annually a Strategic Plan for the District. The purpose of this Strategic Plan is to assist the Board in understanding the current environment in which the District is operating and then to establish short-term (approximately one to two years), mid-term (approximately three to five years) and long-term (approximately 6 to 10 years) goals, accompanied by objectives, timing and the lead responsible person for the near-term goals to the extent such specificity is available. This process will promote the most responsive and cost effective service to our constituents.  We intend to update this plan every two to three years.

Being a local government organization, the District operates via a Public Information Policy to comply with the Colorado Open Records Act, which provides for review of public documents. You may download a copy of the policy or obtain a copy from the District by calling (303) 307-3240. You must submit a signed-written request indicating exactly which public documents you want and submit it to the Micaela Duffy, District Manager at 18650 East 45th Avenue, Denver, CO 80249.


2025-01 GVR Self Nom Form - 2 Year.pdf2025-01 GVR Self Nom Form - 4 Year.pdf2025-01 GVR Call for Nominations Final.pdf